Jupyter Notebook vs. Google Colab - A Comparative Analysis

September 22, 2022


Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab are two popular cloud-based APIs used in data science and machine learning. While they share some similarities, each has its unique features and limitations. In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison of Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab to help you choose the right tool for your work.

Ease of Use

Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab both offer a user-friendly interface for data analysis and modeling. Jupyter Notebook can be installed locally on your machine or accessed through a web browser. On the other hand, Google Colab is entirely web-based, which means there is no need to install any software on your computer.

Google Colab has a significant advantage in this category because it has an easy-to-use interface that requires no setup or installation. You can get started right away by signing in with your Google account. Jupyter Notebook, while equally user-friendly, requires installation and setup before use.


Performance is an essential aspect to consider when comparing cloud-based APIs. Google Colab, being a product of Google, provides a more powerful system than Jupyter Notebook. Google Colab uses a TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) that speeds up the computation of neural networks. Compared to Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab can handle more massive datasets, making it ideal for large-scale projects that require high computing power.

Jupyter Notebook, on the other hand, is more suitable for smaller projects or educational purposes that do not require high computational power.

Collaborative Features

One of the significant advantages of cloud-based APIs is the ability to work collaboratively with remote team members. Google Colab has the edge over Jupyter Notebook in this category. With Google Colab, you can share your notebook with others, and they can view, edit, or comment on your work in real-time. Collaborating on Jupyter Notebook requires third-party tools like GitHub or Dropbox.


Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab are both free to use. However, Google Colab offers more memory and processing power than Jupyter Notebook but comes with a catch. Google Colab has a limit on the number of hours you can use for free per day. After reaching this limit, you can either wait for the next day to start again or upgrade to Google Colab Pro, which starts at $9.99 per month.


  1. Jupyter Notebook. Retrieved from https://jupyter.org/
  2. Google Colab. Retrieved from https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/welcome.ipynb

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